Saturday, January 22, 2011

chilly with a chance of pain

The sun also rises in California; I knew better than to expect my life would suddenly grow perfect, than to think I would become slim and brilliant and beautiful, with a smooth degree path and a sexy boyfriend.

And yet...I try to eat properly and go for walks...I study my lessons and do my job...I brush my teeth and medicate my face and file my nails...I talk to my classmates, I joined two clubs...with all of this, why is there no one to dance with?

The strangest part is that I don't do any of the above for strangers or Prince Charming, rather I do them for myself so that I can look directly into the mirror. I was always told that if I kept myself neat, educated and listened to others I would have plenty of friends...did I miss a step?

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, this masters' program. I'll work it out, and then I'll work out my doctoral program and then my job(s)...I can do this.

Let's dance tonight, just you and me.

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