Monday, October 18, 2010

I wish

I wish I could breathe underwater, and continue to hope and love long after they've ripped me open and scattered my entrails to the world.

I wish that the beauty in the dissonance would resonate throughout my life and make all the ugliness of my scarred past tint to a wonderful shade of trial and strength.

I wish that the past would cease to ache and I would stop making stupid mistakes...or even worse, the same ones over and over.

I wish that the love I have for my friends - my real friends - and that which they have for me would warm me when the loneliness makes me cold.

I wish my smile would shine through...that smile I knew once and seem to have forgotten along the way.

I wish that I could make others happy, and be known as a loving person who you could go to in times of need...and in times of joy.

I wish upon a star, for me, for you, and for forever

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