Thursday, July 1, 2010

the free communication weekend

Today was not an easy day, neither was yesterday nor the day before. I've been working the 5 pm - 1 am shift, and even though I've been getting out of work between 11:30 pm and 12:30 am, I'm dragging tired by the time I'm done.

I get home and shower and then lie in bed with the tv on, feeling jealous of all the beautiful people in the Sunkist commercials who run across the entire country, coast to coast, in a single sunset.

I've been sick with either a bad cold or a miserable flu since Sunday and have been relying on a combination of dayquil and sheer determination.

This has lead to me waiting desperately for the weekend - although Friday is going to be difficult considering that there are two shows I want to go to, and can't decide which one is more important. The one show is sure to be good since I know the artist and have been to his shows before, and he's shooting a music video for one of his new songs. The other show is an unknown quantity as an ex-boyfriend's new band. I have, however, loved his last two bands and feel like I should support him. Choices, choices!

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