Sunday, January 6, 2008

'O Dorm on the Range....

...where the dear and the madly-in-love play...

Back at university once more, and sadly realizing that every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday speed-walking will be required to get from Calculus to Physics. Other than that, all should go smoothly - in matters regarding timeliness and attendance anyway. As for the content of the classes, well, only time will tell.

I am very confused as to why the bookstore is closed today. Classes begin tomorrow and tomorrow is the first day we can buy books? Not a particularly intelligent proceeding...

Christmas, New Years', and my twentieth birthday were all gay, jolly, and made ever-more irritating by my computer's hard drive dying and leaving me computerless and suffering internet withdrawal. Hence why there are no posts from winter break.

It might just be time to begin cooking dinner, so I bid you all adieu.

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